
Showing posts from June, 2024

Wonderful—Humane man

  Senegal’s     - The world famous 32 year old footballer Sadio Mane (Sadio Mané) His earning per week in Indian currency is estimated to earn Rs 14 crores. In spite of such a huge income, he was spotted with a mobile phone with broken display in many places. In an interview, when asked about this, He said, “I'll fix it. I will change the display” The interviewer asked him, why can’t you buy a new one. Sadio Mane replied: “I have seen poverty...I have struggled to eat...I can't even read Poverty surrounded me... I could not afford shoes to wear and played barefoot... was without good clothes- I was starving... “But... today I earn lot of money; I have created schools so that children can study with money. “New shoes and clothes for poor children in my country as well as good food. “Conveniently – elegantly – Luxuriously – romantically I can live alone. Instead it is with my people I want to share.” Said that wonderful—Humane man. www.allchristianmatrim