
Showing posts from November, 2023

A successful marriage

  A man went home from his office tired and exhausted.   On entering his house, he saw his two children fighting and all the objects in the hall disorderly placed.   He went to the kitchen to have his tea but it was not there.   Angrily he searched for his wife and found her quietly sleeping on the bed.   He asked her what happened to you.   She told every day you have been asking me what I am doing here.   So today I kept myself without doing anything so that you will understand what I have been doing every day. The story provided emphasizes the importance of understanding, love, and respect in a marital relationship. It illustrates how the husband's lack of awareness about his wife's daily responsibilities and struggles led to a moment of realization when he experienced a taste of her routine. In any relationship, particularly a marriage, empathy and communication are vital. Both partners should make an effort to understand each other's roles, responsibilities, an

Drop in the ocean

  During the Second World War, people of Neburassca ( Midwestern region of the United States ) gathered in the railway station to greet thousands of soldiers who are going to participate in the war with gifts and food items.   To their disappointment the soldiers who came there were from Kansas not from Neburassca.   Still the people took a decision to give all the gifts and food items to the soldiers who came there.   From that day onwards the people made it a habit to greet all the soldiers with lot of gifts and food items at the railway station. This story highlights the generosity, compassion, and unity of the people during a challenging time like World War II. While there might be a small geographical mix-up with the soldiers being from Kansas instead of Neburassca, the people's willingness to share their gifts and food items with these soldiers demonstrates a spirit of support and kindness that transcends boundaries. Acts of kindness and solidarity like this were not un

Freely give

  We have received much freely from the Lord. Then let us give freely to others as well, not in a miserly or stingy way, but liberally and with a large heart. We must never lose the wonder of the forgiveness that the Lord has granted us so freely.  OUR WHOLE LIFE MUST NOW BE LIVED AS AN EXPRESSION OF GRATITUDE TO THE LORD FOR ALL THAT HE DID FOR US ON CALVARY'S CROSS. The good news of the gospel is that we can be saved from a miserable existence. We can now have rivers of living water flowing out through us constantly and be a blessing to every family that we meet. We can be merciful to others just as God has been merciful to us. We can release others just as God has released us. We can bless others just as God has blessed us. We can give freely to others just as God has freely given to us. We can be large-hearted to others just as God has been to us. You can lead a happy life, if we release everyone who owes us anything, or who has hurt or harmed us in any way. Bur

One man's sickness was a blessing to many

  Once in Chicago Airport, planes could not land because of bad weather.   Several planes were circling around the airport in the sky for hours.   All the passengers were crumbling in pain and anxiety.   Suddenly in one of the aeroplane came the announcement for landing.   This particular plane had bone marrow for transplantation for an emergency treatment for one patient.   When the pilot of this plane passed on this information to the airport authorities, they immediately gave permission for landing to this particular plane.   All those passengers inside that particular plane landed safely. In the same way, Jesus by His death, by shedding His precious blood has opened up a new way for us to enter the most holy place, to the Heavenly Father.   Jesus is the way, the truth and life.


  Psychologists say that postponing things will be very dangerous.   Anyone who postpone their work regularly will end up in heavy loss in life.   If we delay our monthly bill payment, we have to pay penalty for the same.   Generally postponing things is done by lazy people. One day D.L.Moody was initiated by God to tell the Good News of Salvation to his cook.   Moody told God that he was very tired and he would tell him tomorrow.   Alas, the cook committed suicide in the same night.   That day Moody took a decision not to postpone anything in life. In our life also we should not postpone our actions of reconciliation, repentance, forgiving others, doing good things for others etc.

Receiving love

  During the Portuguese rule in East Africa, an incident took place.   People in certain villages had to walk several kilometers to go to the mission hospital.   On their way to the mission hospital there was a government hospital also.   When those people were asked why they are coming to the mission hospital avoiding the government hospital, their reply was the medicines given in the mission hospital and in the government hospital are the same.   But we are receiving love in mission hospital so we don’t mind walking few extra kilometers to come to mission hospital. Only through our good deeds we can shine before others.   May God give us the word and action filled with love.

Till the End.

  When civil war was going on in America, the President Abraham Lincoln regularly visited the wounded soldiers. One day the President saw a badly wounded soldier who had lost his legs.   He was struggling in his severe pain.   Lincoln asked him if he could do any help.   The soldier requested to write a letter for his mother.   Lincoln started writing what he told,” Dear mother I had been badly wounded by bullet injury. The doctors were hopeless in my case. May the Lord bless both you and Dad, my loving kisses to Mary and John.” While completing the letter Lincoln wrote this letter was written by Abraham Lincoln. On reading the letter the surprised soldier asked if he was the President Abraham Lincoln.   Lincoln told now you understand that I am the President, you tell me what you want from me.   The soldier caught hold of Lincoln’s both hands and requested him to stay with him until he die.   Lincoln did stay with him holding his hands until he die until his both hands became cold

Faith and Action

  An old boat man used to transport people across a river for his livelihood.   Once a passenger noticed that in one of his oar it is written as Faith and in the other Action.   He asked the boatman the reason for writing such words in his oars.   The boat man said I will demonstrate the purpose now.   He took only the oar Faith and started moving the boat, the boat did not move in the proper direction.   He took only the oar Action and started moving the boat, here again the boat did not move in the proper direction.   Then he told him only when both the oars are used simultaneously in proper rhythm then the boat will move in the right direction. The story of the boatman and the oars serves as a metaphorical lesson about the balance between faith and action in our lives. 1.      Faith : The oar labeled "Faith" represents our beliefs, hopes, and trust in our creator, the almighty. It signifies our confidence in a positive outcome, even when the path ahead might be uncer

Zero Balance

  A preacher was preaching the verse, it is better to give than to receive.   After the preaching was over an old poor man went to the preacher because he expected that the preacher may give him something.   The preacher himself was a poor man who had nothing to give this man.   He was searching in his mind to find something to give this man.   The organizers of the meeting had booked a room for the preacher in a hotel.   He took that booking slip and gave to the poor man and asked him to sleep in the comfortable bed.   The preacher went and slept outside in the cold.   We should not think in order to give others we must have surplus.   Even in our deficit we can give others.   In the whole ministry of Jesus, He praised only few people and one among them is the poor widow who offered two pennies, the whole amount she had on that day and her balance was zero. The world will look into how much you give. God will look into your balance .  

Think Lovely

  In 1948 in an international music competition held in Russia, a Chinese man, Liuchi Kung won the second prize in piano.   The very next year he was arrested in China for participating in one strike.   He was refused permission to play piano in the jail.   In his seven years of imprisonment he never touched piano.   As soon as he was released from jail, he started participating in music shows. One of his fan went to him and asked, “For the past seven years you did not have any chance to play the piano but how you managed to play it nicely better than your previous years”.   Liuchi told him that he did practice piano in his mind.   Most of the time I was thinking on piano music. What we are thinking about is the most important.   If we think about good things, our life will be blessed. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good repo

Encourage others

  Encouraging others by our words and accepting them wholeheartedly is a great asset for them.   Henry Ford when he was young drew the diagram of his newly invented car engine and explained it to many industrialists.   Many criticized it and discouraged him saying it will not work out practically. One day he had a chance to go for a dinner party with many learned men.   Ford explained about his car engine to those people who were sitting in his table.   Thomas Alva Edison was sitting in the next table and listening carefully what Ford was telling.   Edison stood up came near Ford’s table, saw the diagram of the car engine and suddenly hit the table and exclaimed that Ford has designed a beautiful car engine and nothing can stop him from producing it.   Ford remembered this incident of encouragement from Edison as a great asset bigger than this world. Let us all encourage others and make them successful in their lives.

Wait, it takes time

We all know that a baby cannot be delivered within a week after conception.   The new life needs nine months for full growth to be born in this world.   When the baby is growing in the womb changes takes place within the body of the mother too.   Every part of the baby, hands, legs and heart has to be grown.   If a baby is born before it is fully grown it will be a problem. It takes time for us to receive many good things or blessings in our life.   


  A little boy was playing with his toy boat floating in a pond.   Suddenly the boat moved towards the center of the pond where he could not reach it.   Since he could not get it back he started crying. A man who saw this started throwing stones in the pond.   When the boy saw that he started crying more.   The boy shouted don’t throw the stones.   The man kept throwing the stones beyond the boat, which caused ripples on the water which in turn pushed the boat towards the boy.   After catching the boat the boy realized what the man was doing and he whole heartedly thanked that man. In our life also when we move away from God’s plan, God will allow ripples in our life not to destroy our life but to safe guard and move our life towards His plan.  

Set it on fire

  The Army of Alexander the Great was marching towards Persia.   At a particular situation the great army came near the point of defeat.   Alexander was involved in finding out the reason for the defeat.   Before going towards Persia, Alexander’s army tasted so many victories. All the gold and valuable things which they got from those defeated lands the army men carried along with them. Alexander found out that this is the reason for their tiredness and defeat. He ordered all the army men to put all valuable items including gold in one place and set it on fire. Though they hesitated, they had no other option because of Alexander’s order and so they set it on fire. After they had done it they felt the reason because they felt like flying on newly grown wings. They started waging war with new spirit and won battles. In our life’s run also in order to taste victory we have to remove many of our worldly possessions including our mental and bodily addictions that may be pushing us dow

Important information

  Hammett was a detective agent and a part time story writer.   One day a police officer gave him details about one criminal and requested him to inform if he got any information about him.   The Police Officer gave him even minute details like mole, etc but he never told him an important information that he has got only one hand.   In our life also we give too much of importance to many little things and miss out many important things.   We give more importance to our tradition but ignore to obey the word of God.   So let us all be very careful and serious about what we are doing.

Garden of weeds

  One day a guest came to the house of Coolridge, an evangelist.   He told that it is not good for us to teach our religious belief to our children.   We should not force them towards one particular direction.   We must give freedom to our children to have their own choice.   After listening to him for some time Coolridge invited him to visit his garden and both went there.   The garden was full of weeds.   So the guest asked him why your garden is not like any other beautiful garden rather it is full of weeds.   Coolridge replied, “I did not want to interfere the freedom of this garden and so this garden allowed this weeds to grow on its own will”.   In the same way if our children are not taught the right path in their childhood they may get spoiled.  

Too much of freedom will be dangerous

  Sam went to the garden to play with his father. Few cows in the garden were tied with shorter ropes, that they found it very difficult to eat the grass fed to them. Sam asked why these cows were tied with such short ropes that they found very difficult to eat the grass and he exclaimed that the cows were so pity. And he told why not the cows be tied with longer ropes so that they can eat comfortably. His father with a smile on his face replaced a cow’s rope with a long rope and asked Sam to watch and see what would happen. The cow in its greediness went around and around the tree eating the grass joyfully and the rope got shortened because it moved several round around the tree. The rope became so short and it started tightening the neck of the cow. The gardener asked Sam to look at the situation of the cow, it may be danger for the cow’s life itself. He removed the longer rope and again tied it with a short rope. Often in our life, too much of freedom will be dangerous. We need

Present Position

  A girl was walking through a garden got attracted by a beautiful flower.   She went near the flower and found out that the soil on which the flower bearing plant was standing was so dirty.   She removed the plant with its roots and washed its roots in fresh water.   While washing the flowers withered.   The gardener rushed to her and asked her what she was doing? She told she wanted this beautiful flower plant to stay in a beautiful place not like that dirty place.   Gardener told her this type of plant grows very well only in this type of dirty soil and that’s why I planted it there.   Like this beautiful flower plant God has planted us in different places and in different situations so that He can use us as glorious vessels in His hands. Let us all feel happy and be satisfied with our present position.

Gratefulness was converted into charity

  A blind man was begging near a crowded place placing a board before him which says, “Please help me I am a blind man”.   Most of the people who passed by did not give him money.   One person who noticed this gave him some money and changed the words in that board After few minutes most of the people who passed by gave him some money that his pocket was full.   When evening came he noticed the footsteps of the person who changed his board. The blind man asked what he had written in that board.   The man replied, “I wrote like this Today is a beautiful day but I cannot see”.   The new words made the people realize that they have the gift of vision from God.   This feeling of gratefulness was converted into charity .

Be content with what we have

  A man named Bill Driver saw a strange ball floating in sandalwood lake in Kansas.   He observed the ball carefully to know about it.   It was a children’s basketball which was half inside the mouth of a cat fish. The fish could not swallow the ball and so it was struggling with that ball.   The fish mistook the ball for its feed.   The fish tried to pull the ball inside the water but could not succeed because of the air inside the ball. Bill went and caught the fish, cut the ball with his knife release the air and removed the ball from the mouth of the fish.   When we are greedy for money these kind of things will happen in our life also.   God who knows our needs give us our daily bread.   Not satisfied with what we have, we humans want more and more.   Love of money is the root cause of all evil.   When we go through the path of God there is no danger.   So let us all have a thankful heart towards God and be content with what we have.