
Showing posts from April, 2024

Be Focused

  Before modern instruments and equipment’s are invented, the sailors used to keep two magnet needles.   One will be kept in the people’s deck.   The other will be kept at a very high level on a post.   One among the sailor used to climb up and note down the direction that the magnetic needle is showing.   At the same time they will ignore the direction of the magnetic needle kept at the lower level because it is affected by iron of the ship’s body and other items. In our Christian run also we must keep our eyes on Jesus, if we give importance to other people around us we may lose the focus.   Always read the word of God and follow the instructions given to taste a victorious life.


  There is a game called Trust-Fall, a person is asked to stand on a table when the leader say fall he will fall backwards from the table and the others will catch hold of him without hurting him on the floor.   This game is practiced inside companies to enhance trust worthiness among the employees.     We cannot trust any person always, the only person we can trust always is our loving Jesus.  

Redemptively used

  Disadvantages in life usually keep us humble and obedient. Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) was one of the most godly and successful American Presidents. He had a difficult childhood. His formal schooling was for less than a year. He failed in business in 1831 and was defeated for the legislature in 1832. The next year he again failed in business. His finance died in 1835. He was defeated for speaker in 1838. When he got married, his wife became a burden for him. Only one of his four sons lived past age 18. He was defeated for congress, Senate and vice-presidency. But he was elected as President in 1860! There is no one without failures in this world. For those who love God no failure is final. Failures, crises, suffering, losses, disappointments and such things belong to the same category. In the providence of God, all these can be redemptive if used to learn obedience. Why does God take us through difficult and depressing situations? Hebrews 12:9 seems to give the most satisfying an

Not Growing Grass

  A young boy Tony Evans used to play with his dad inside their compound.   After few days few of his friends also joined and all of them played daily.   Because of this the green grass meadow got destroyed.   When the boy’s mother saw the grass all getting destroyed she requested them to find some other place to play.   Tony’s father told her we are not growing grass but we are bringing up our children, God has entrusted them to us.   We must provide nice place for them to play, must spend enough time with them and bring them up in love.

Bouncing ball

  A little girl was playing with a ball.   When she threw the ball on the ground with too much force it bounds back with a lot of force.   She told her father whenever she threw the ball on the ground it is bouncing back.   Her father told her if we throw a glass piece on the ground it will be broken into pieces and stay there.   If we throw a bag of sand on the ground it will stay there as it is.   Many of us are like the glass piece, a small pain or defeat or rejection can break us and shatter us.   Some are like the sand bag if dropped down will stay there inactive.   Jesus was rejected and was crucified and the people thought he is gone.   He bounced back, yes he rose again to save all of us. Even the earth could not hold Him from bouncing. We must be also like Jesus and the bouncing ball and live a victorious life.  

TV will attack the heart

  While scientific and technological advancements can be used for the good of mankind, the devil invariably uses them to corrupt and destroy people because he is primarily a killer, destroyer and stealer (Jn 10:10). There are several educational and cultural programs which greatly enhance the general knowledge of the viewers, especially the children. At the same time all sorts of filthy pictures are telecast.   “The loss of reason when seeing with and not through the eye, coupled with our immense capacity for evil in imagination in contrast with the good, makes television as a medium far too powerful for fallen man to handle. The old frog episode holds true: If you were to plunge it into boiling water it would jump out. Put it however into cool water, slowly and steadily bring it to a boil, and the result is lethal. It remains unaware that it is being boiled to death. Such is the inevitable result of a life dominated by such visual entertainment... For children particularly, try not