TV will attack the heart


While scientific and technological advancements can be used for the good of mankind, the devil invariably uses them to corrupt and destroy people because he is primarily a killer, destroyer and stealer (Jn 10:10). There are several educational and cultural programs which greatly enhance the general knowledge of the viewers, especially the children. At the same time all sorts of filthy pictures are telecast.

 “The loss of reason when seeing with and not through the eye, coupled with our immense capacity for evil in imagination in contrast with the good, makes television as a medium far too powerful for fallen man to handle. The old frog episode holds true: If you were to plunge it into boiling water it would jump out. Put it however into cool water, slowly and steadily bring it to a boil, and the result is lethal. It remains unaware that it is being boiled to death. Such is the inevitable result of a life dominated by such visual entertainment... For children particularly, try not to condemn, rather substitute, whether it be with good programs or other activities. Let us keep reminding ourselves that for the committed Christian, the choice is not always just between good and bad. Sometimes it is between the better and the best.” The improper and excessive use of TV will attack the heart as TB affects the lungs.



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