
Showing posts from July, 2023


  A lawyer used to have a depressed look always.   Whenever he goes out he used to put his head down and everybody can recognize him as a man in distress.   One day he told his neighbor who is an artist about a very big mistake he had committed in his life.   But the artist didn’t reply and went home.   The lawyer also went home.   After a week the artist invited the lawyer to his house to see the painting which he had completed the same day morning.   The lawyer went to see the art and to his surprise it was his own image with bright eyes and with the strong shoulder.   The image looked like that of a person’s with lot of confidence and power on his face.   When the lawyer saw the painting depicting himself with bright eyes, a strong shoulder, and an expression of confidence and power, he was taken aback. The lawyer thought if an artist could see power and confidence in me, then why not I see it myself.   Many of us are like this lawyer, without much confidence and self-respect. T

The King Takes Care

  During World War II, England did face significant attacks from Hitler's German Army. The German strategy involved in targeting cities in England, bombings and other forms of attacks. In order to protect children from the dangers of these attacks, the British government implemented various measures. To save the little children the England Government passed a resolution.   Accordingly children were separated from their parents and sent to remote villages and neighboring countries.   Trains were fully loaded with little children who did not know where they were going.   The separation from their parents was undoubtedly a distressing experience for many of these young children. A three year old girl was crying terribly when she was separated from her mother.   Her five year old brother wiped away her tears hugged her and told her we are going away from our parents we do not know where we are going.   But one thing is sure the king (referring to the British monarch) knows about it a

Rejoice in Hope

  We often think that the absence of trouble is what happiness in life is. It’s erroneous. We are called to rejoice in hope, being patient in trouble. The shame and suffering Jesus experienced could not disturb His joy because of His patience and hope. We don’t find happiness by jumping out of difficult situations. The secret of happiness is to learn to accept the impossible, to do without the indispensable, and to bear the intolerable. Happiness comes when we stop wailing about the troubles we have, and offer thanks for all the troubles we don’t have! Though we weep at night, joy must come in the morning. We will miss happiness if we are not patient enough until sunrise. Life is a series of tunnels. No tunnel is without an exit. Impatience makes the time between entry and exit miserable. Believe that you will not sink in the middle. Folks who are impatient with others not only kill their own joy by irritation, but also that of others. We are to remember that we are made different fr

Second Wind

  In marathon run while men are running for a long distance slowly they will be losing their strength and after sometime they will start receiving a new strength, they call it Second Wind.  After two hours of running glycogen will be totally converted into energy, so there won’t be any sugar in their body and they will feel like fainting.  In this situation they will receive a new energy from the fat in their body.  The energy they receive from sugar is being changed to the energy they receive from fat.  During this conversion time they should not give up and continue to run and be patient until the energy conversion is complete.  Thereby they will receive this new energy and new strength which is called second wind so that they can complete the race.  In our race towards inheriting the blessings kept by God for us we should not get tired and stop in the middle.   We must keep running with lot of patience and faith in God.   Then our loving God will renew our strength, encourage us s


  One day in a school a student went to the teacher and told him with fear that he had spoiled the paper that teacher had given him and he requested for a new paper.   The teacher got back the spoiled paper from him and gave him a new paper.   The teacher told him that he had exchanged the spoiled paper with a new paper so asked him to use it carefully. The student, feeling relieved that he had received a new paper, thanked the teacher and promised to be more careful this time. As he sat down at his desk, he couldn't help but wonder what had happened to the spoiled paper he had returned to the teacher. Curiosity got the better of him, and during a break, he approached the teacher with a question. "Excuse me, sir," the student said hesitantly. "I'm just curious about the spoiled paper I returned to you. What happened to it?" The teacher smiled kindly at the student and replied, "Ah, that's a good question. You see, the spoiled paper you returne


While it is true that self-interest is a natural human inclination, it is also important to recognize that humans are capable of empathy, compassion, and altruism. While we may sometimes act in our own self-interest, we also have the capacity to consider the needs and feelings of others. Regarding the concept of vigilance and carefulness, it can be valuable to exercise mindfulness in our interactions with others. Being aware of how our words and actions can impact those around us is a responsible approach to maintaining healthy relationships and avoiding causing harm unintentionally. Practicing mindfulness, self-reflection, and seeking guidance can provide a framework for personal growth and ethical behavior. However, it is important to remember that individuals may interpret and apply these principles differently based on their own beliefs and understanding. Ultimately, while self-interest may be a part of human nature, it is possible to cultivate empathy, compassion, and cons

Hard Work

  Campbell Morgan, the famous preacher was asked about the secret of his success.   His answer was work, hard work and again work.   Whatever may be our work, if we do it with sincerity and integrity, God will definitely lift us up and bless us.   Yes, if we do our work carefully and with much sincerity, God will make us stand before the king. It is true that many successful individuals attribute their achievements to hard work, dedication, and perseverance. Campbell Morgan, the famous preacher, emphasized the importance of work in his own success. His statement reflects the idea that consistent effort and labor are essential for achieving one's goals. The concept of work has been present since the beginning of human existence. In the biblical account, When God created man in this earth, He commanded him to work.   God put Adam in the Garden of Eden and expected him to take care of the garden.   This demonstrates that work is not only a means of sustenance but also a way to


  Once a friend of mine from Chennai took one of his doves from his house with him when he went to Bangalore. For identification he put a small copper ring around its legs. When he was leaving Bangalore for Chennai after the completion of his work, he left the dove in Bangalore. He was a fast driver and he had only a tea break on the high way before reaching Chennai. When he reached home to his surprise he saw the same dove with the copper ring at his house. There is a proverb in English, criticisms are like a tamed dove that always comes back to you. Our loving Jesus is warning us not to criticize.   It's a thought-provoking analogy to relate it to the proverb about criticisms. The proverb suggests that criticisms or negative judgments we make about others often come back to us in the same form. It serves as a reminder to be mindful of our words and actions, recognizing that they can have consequences and impact not only on others but on ourselves as well. Religious and phil