

A lawyer used to have a depressed look always.  Whenever he goes out he used to put his head down and everybody can recognize him as a man in distress.  One day he told his neighbor who is an artist about a very big mistake he had committed in his life.  But the artist didn’t reply and went home.  The lawyer also went home. 

After a week the artist invited the lawyer to his house to see the painting which he had completed the same day morning.  The lawyer went to see the art and to his surprise it was his own image with bright eyes and with the strong shoulder.  The image looked like that of a person’s with lot of confidence and power on his face.  When the lawyer saw the painting depicting himself with bright eyes, a strong shoulder, and an expression of confidence and power, he was taken aback.

The lawyer thought if an artist could see power and confidence in me, then why not I see it myself.  Many of us are like this lawyer, without much confidence and self-respect. This realization led him to question why he had underestimated his own potential for so long.

When David was a shepherd  boy God saw him as a king of Israel.  God has got a specific plan for each and every one of us.  We must develop the habit of seeing us through God’s vision. Don’t under estimate yourself, you are in the mighty hand of our loving God.

In essence, the story encourages individuals to shift their perception of themselves and recognize their inherent strength, confidence, and potential. It emphasizes the importance of self-belief and reminds us that we are in the care of a loving God who sees greatness within each of us.



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