
Showing posts from August, 2023

Made for the road ahead

  “Made for the road ahead” This is the slogan of Ford Car Company.   The road condition, the wind power, rain and the snow, the conditions of unmaintained roads, the interior facilities, mileage and the expectations of customers all these things are taken into consideration while designing a car.   Even before a car is manufactured they will decide how the new model will look like. The slogan "Made for the road ahead" used by Ford Car Company implies that their cars are designed and built to tackle various road conditions and weather elements while ensuring customer satisfaction and comfort. Car manufacturers like Ford take into consideration a wide range of factors during the design and development process to create a vehicle that meets the needs and expectations of their target customers. Some key factors that are considered during the car design process include: 1.      Road conditions: Cars are designed to handle different types of road surfaces, such as smooth hig

Starting a Day

  Every day morning a deer used to think that I must run faster than the lion or I will become prey for the lion.   In the same way a lion used to think I must run faster than deer or I will have to go hungry today.   Whether I am a deer or a lion is not important, but every day are we starting to run early.   Every morning as soon as we wake up we must run towards our loving God so that He will fill us with Divine Grace good enough for the day.   This metaphor suggests that just as the deer and lion prioritize their respective needs for survival, humans should prioritize their spiritual well-being by seeking divine grace. God gave manna to the Israelites in the desert.   They have to wake up early in the morning and gather the manna before dawn.   If they are late they will lose their daily bread.   This is how God trained them.   In our life every day before dawn we are supposed to run to the Throne of Divine Grace so that God will supply us our needs, protection and guidance.

Be an Instrument of Peace

  Turbulence is the inevitable lot, of impatient people. If we are not enjoying peace in our own hearts, we cannot live in real peace with others. Social conflicts are invariably the result of unresolved inner conflicts in man. Whether it is pain or problems, God’s answer more often than we think is, “Wait!” The peace of God “surpasses all understanding” which means, we can enjoy the peace of God in spite of problems. Being patient is the secret.   “Glory to God in the Highest!”— This is only one half of the Christmas message. The other side of the coin is, “And on the earth peace, goodwill towards men!” Making peace with God can be done in an instant. But building relationships with people and maintaining them means time and labor. Reconciliation with people involves self-denial and patience with others. The Bible tells us, When the ways of people please the Lord, He makes even their enemies live at peace with them. God has called us to be salt and light, but we have lost our sa

Reaching our destination

  A little bird called White throat warbler live in Germany during summer and in winter they will fly away to Africa.   When the days come for them to leave for Africa, they will leave their young ones in Germany and fly to Africa. After many weeks when the young ones are grown up they will fly thousands of kilometers both above the sea and above the land which they have never seen and reach their parents precisely.   How these birds are able to do this?   God has given them the wisdom to do that.   God’s wisdom is revealed in His magnificent creations.   The sun, the moon and the stars declare His glory.   If God can guide a small bird to fly thousands of kilometers to reach its destination, will He not guide us to reach our destination?  

Safest Landing

  Berney May, a pilot with over 25 years of experience, highlighted a crucial lesson he taught to aspiring pilots. In perilous situations, such as emergencies or dangerous conditions, the most challenging aspect to teach is how to safely land an aircraft on the ground. A common tendency among pilots in such situations is to fixate on the danger itself rather than seeking out the safest landing spot. This fixation on the danger can lead them to land in an unsuitable location, resulting in significant loss of life and property. May emphasized the importance of overcoming this instinctive response and training pilots to focus on identifying the safest possible landing site. By shifting their attention away from the danger and actively seeking out a secure landing spot, pilots can improve their chances of executing a successful emergency landing. This critical lesson helps them make rational decisions under high-pressure circumstances and minimize potential risks. Ultimately, teaching

Effective Communication

                                                                                                                                                                                    When I was living in Chennai some 25 years ago, one of my neighbor who was a son of a police officer was starting a security service, for which he was opening an office. He identified an office space, advance was paid and he invited his close friends, relatives and few police officers for the opening event. Just 3 days before the opening day the previous tenant of the place had locked the room and left Chennai because he had some issues with the owner. My friend became so nervous, did not know what to do and called me and explained the situation. I told him to call everyone he had invited and tell them the opening date is postponed and will be informed later. After 1 hour I called him and he was distressed like anything, I told him the story of Ilayaraja, the music director. Ilayaraja got his first chan


  Husbands, love your wives and do not be bitter against them Charity begins at home. Our houses must be filled with the fragrance of love. The home is the most sacred sanctuary in the world. The notion of charity beginning at home suggests that love and compassion should first be nurtured within the family unit. It implies that a loving home environment is the foundation for spreading love and kindness to others outside the family. God begins with husbands as He began with Adam. They are to set the ball in motion. If they fail, the entire system goes wrong. Husbands are to love their wives, as they love their own bodies; and as they love themselves. This is absolute, selfless, joyful love. This love is not always easy and automatic. But he should never give place to bitterness, rather keep on loving her. Love begets love. A loving husband and a loving wife are a beautiful gift from God. Their love for each other should cover a multitude of defects and shortcomings. Teach younger

Gratitude and Generosity

  Two students were studying in Stanford University in early 19 th century. They did not have enough money to pay for their fees. A wise idea stuck these youth. They thought of arranging a music program with Polish piano artist, Paderewski and raise money to pay for their fees. When they contacted his manager, he fixed the price at 2000 $ for the program. After the program was over when they counted the collection money, it was only 1600 $. They gave all those 1600 $ to Paderewski along with a note stating that they would pay the balance in another few months. Paderewski gave back the money to the youth and asked them to pay their fees and they need not pay him anything. Years passed by, both the youth climbed up in their ladder of life. So also Paderewski reached the heights of his fame. Suddenly severe famine stuck Poland. Paderewski was one of the main person in Poland who organized food grains and money from many parts of the world.  Unable to manage the situation his team con


  In New York City, when railway bridges were built at very high level people were scared to travel because they thought when the train is fully crowded the bridge may collapse.   In order to convince the people about the strength of the bridge, trains with heavy goods were made to run through those bridges.   On seeing that the fear of the people went away and they started travelling in those trains. It is interesting to hear about the historical context of people's fear regarding railway bridges in New York City. It is not uncommon for people to have concerns about the safety of new infrastructure, especially when it involves significant changes or advancements. Demonstrating the strength and reliability of the railway bridges by running trains with heavy goods is a logical approach to alleviate people's fears. By subjecting the bridges to the stress and weight of heavily loaded trains, the authorities could showcase the bridges' stability and reassure the public

Pain a Valuable Mechanism

  A girl who acted in the serial, Grey’s Anatomy called herself as a super hero because she never experienced pain in her body.  Though she proclaimed proudly that there was no pain in her body, she was carrying a rare disease called congenital insensitivity to pain.  Those who have that disease will not experience pain.   For a man to live a healthy life he must have the sense of pain.   Otherwise some problem in his body will be unattended for a long time because of lack of pain and which may develop into a serious problem.   In our spiritual life also even if we do a small mistake our heart must be troubled and we must lose the peace of mind.   Then only we will repent and reconcile both with men and God. It is true that the ability to experience pain is crucial for maintaining a healthy life. Pain serves as a protective mechanism that alerts us to potential damage or injury to our bodies. Without the ability to feel pain, individuals with congenital insensitivity to pain may no

Transformative power of Humility

  A military convention was going on for the army men.  One of the instructor asked one soldier how he became a humble person because he had seen him before as a proud and arrogant person.  He told, in his regiment one of his colleague was so humble and honest that they used to make fun of him. One day he returned to the hostel after a tough and long schedule of work. Even on that day before going to bed that humble colleague knelt down and prayed for more than one hour. I was irritated and hit him on his head with my boots. Still he continued his prayer. The next day morning I woke up and found my shoes nicely polished and kept near my bed. This is how he gave back for what I gave him the previous night. My heart was broken and on that very day I changed myself. This is a powerful story that highlights the transformative power of kindness and forgiveness. The soldier's realization that his humble colleague responded to his act of violence with an act of kindness had a profound

Meaningful Following.

  When Calvin Coolidge was President of America, he invited few of his friends from his home village to have dinner with him at the White House.   His friends were bit nervous about their own behavior.   All of them after some discussion came to a conclusion.   Accordingly they are supposed to follow Calvin, imitating everything he does.   Coffee was served to everyone.   Calvin poured some coffee in the saucer.   On seeing this his friends also did the same.   Then Calvin added some milk and sugar into it.   His friends also did the same.   They were expecting him to drink the coffee next.   To their surprise he bent down and kept the saucer on the floor and called his pussycat.   The story mentioned about Calvin Coolidge and his friends imitating his actions at a dinner is an interesting anecdote. It highlights the limitations of blindly following someone else's behavior and the importance of discernment in choosing whom to follow. You make a parallel between this story and

Unique Way

  Once all the animals started a training school to train themselves to solve their problems and upgrade their talents. Accordingly training was given for the duck to run fast. Though the duck was an expert in swimming it lasts its skin on the foot while running. Now the duck is not able to swim properly as well as run properly. The squirrel that was expert in climbing trees was given training to fly. During the training it lost its leg and unable to even climb up the tree. We also sometimes behave like this. We wanted to do like others and finally ends in disappointment. Let us not think about doing like others. Rather try to find us the talents that God has given us and get trained in those God given talents alone. Then we are sure of tasting victory. The story shared here about animals attending a training school and facing challenges when trying to acquire skills outside their natural abilities serves as a cautionary tale. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing and developin