Be an Instrument of Peace


Turbulence is the inevitable lot, of impatient people.

If we are not enjoying peace in our own hearts, we cannot live in real peace with others. Social conflicts are invariably the result of unresolved inner conflicts in man. Whether it is pain or problems, God’s answer more often than we think is, “Wait!” The peace of God “surpasses all understanding” which means, we can enjoy the peace of God in spite of problems. Being patient is the secret.

 “Glory to God in the Highest!”— This is only one half of the Christmas message. The other side of the coin is, “And on the earth peace, goodwill towards men!” Making peace with God can be done in an instant. But building relationships with people and maintaining them means time and labor. Reconciliation with people involves self-denial and patience with others. The Bible tells us, When the ways of people please the Lord, He makes even their enemies live at peace with them.

God has called us to be salt and light, but we have lost our saltiness and brightness. People’s societies have become the breeding ponds of hatred, rivalry and disunity. Peacemaking is not to start at national or international levels. It must begin in the family, in the local communities.

A distinguished mark of a child of God is that he would be a peacemaker. Peace breakers outnumber peacemakers. God detests anyone who sows discord among brothers. But we as God’s people are to be coworkers with Him in the ministry of reconciling man with man. “Blessed are the peacemakers!”

Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace! Where there’s hatred... let me sow love! Where there’s injury... pardon. Where there’s (St. Francis of Assisi, 1182-1226)



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