

Husbands, love your wives and do not be bitter against them

Charity begins at home. Our houses must be filled with the fragrance of love. The home is the most sacred sanctuary in the world. The notion of charity beginning at home suggests that love and compassion should first be nurtured within the family unit. It implies that a loving home environment is the foundation for spreading love and kindness to others outside the family.

God begins with husbands as He began with Adam. They are to set the ball in motion. If they fail, the entire system goes wrong. Husbands are to love their wives, as they love their own bodies; and as they love themselves. This is absolute, selfless, joyful love. This love is not always easy and automatic. But he should never give place to bitterness, rather keep on loving her.

Love begets love. A loving husband and a loving wife are a beautiful gift from God. Their love for each other should cover a multitude of defects and shortcomings. Teach younger women to love their husbands and the children. Yes, love must be taught. It is tough! But when love grows cold, division is on the way. It may not be apparent but internal bleeding is more dangerous! A house divided against itself will not stand.

When parents live in love with each other, the children get an atmosphere of love for healthy growth. Someone said, “The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother!”

The importance of love and harmony within a marital relationship and its impact on the family as a whole is insisted. The idea expressed is that husbands have a responsibility to love their wives unconditionally, treating them with the same care and consideration they have for themselves. Bitterness or resentment should be avoided, and instead, husbands should strive to maintain a selfless and joyful love for their wives.

Finally, the statement regarding the significance of a father's love for the children's mother underscores the impact that a loving relationship between parents can have on the overall development and happiness of the children. It suggests that children thrive in an environment where love and respect are displayed between their parents.



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