
Showing posts from September, 2023

Are people being blessed because of us?

The Great Basin is a vast region in the western United States, characterized by its low elevation and arid climate. The land is dry primarily due to its geographic location and weather patterns. The region is surrounded by tall mountain ranges, which block moisture-carrying clouds from reaching the interior. As a result, rainfall is limited, and much of the precipitation that does fall is quickly evaporated due to the high temperatures, leaving the land dry. Rivers in the Great Basin often flow into closed basins, meaning they don't reach the sea. These closed basins have no outlet to the ocean, so the water accumulates and eventually evaporates, leaving behind salt flats and dry lake beds. This process contributes to the aridity of the region and makes it difficult for the land to support abundant vegetation and a large population. The analogy drawn about life and water is a metaphorical way of looking at the impact of our actions and words on others. Just as rivers bring life


You cannot plant a garden, by ignoring it, and expect to see fruit. Instead, you must do the hard work of pulling weeds and cultivating crops. In the same way, families require consistent effort over the long haul. We work on our families by cultivating kindness, forgiveness, time together, listening, and a host of other virtues. We must also weed out indiscipline, anger, bitterness, selfishness, rudeness, wandering eyes, and any other sin that effects our families. If you inspect the garden every day to look for growth, you probably don’t see perceptible movement, but over the course of weeks you begin to see fruit. In the same way, we only see growth in our families over the course of time and this growth only takes place when spouses are committed to each other for the rest of their lives. Families grow because spouses are growing, children are growing and many people will not take the time to make the difficult changes that need to be made when they are not committed for the rest

A great refreshment you shall receive

  Described here are the various sources of stress, challenges, and pressures that many individuals can face in their lives. These factors can indeed contribute to a sense of exhaustion on physical, mental, and spiritual levels. Let's break down some of the aspects. 1.      When we have multiple responsibilities, whether they're related to work, family, or other areas of life, the weight of managing them can be overwhelming. Balancing these responsibilities can lead to stress and fatigue. 2.      Stress and problems can lead to sleepless nights, as our minds are preoccupied with the challenges we face. Sleep deprivation further exacerbates stress and negatively impacts mental and physical health. 3.      An overly busy and demanding schedule can leave us with little time for rest, relaxation, and self-care. This constant rush can lead to burnout over time. 4.       The pressure to meet unrealistic expectations set by others or ourselves can create undue stress and anxie


  A man went to a cobbler and made a shoe for him.  He offered to pay the cobbler after two days and left.  After two days he went to pay the money.  Alas, the cobbler was dead and so this man left the place without paying. After returning home he was restless. Despite this, the man's conscience continues to trouble him, and he ultimately decides to follow his conscience by returning to the shop and leaving the money, even though the cobbler is no longer alive to receive it. Through the narrow gap between the doors he put the money inside.   Even in our life our conscious is very important.   The most important thing that God has given us is our conscious and so we have to obey our conscious.   If we keep on disobeying our conscious sooner or later it will die.   If we keep on obeying our conscious then sooner or later God will bless us and lift us to higher level. The broader message seems to be that our conscience is like a moral compass, guiding us to make ethical choices an

Redeeming the time

  The magazine called, USA Today, invited professionals from different fields and asked them to find out how much time a person needs to complete all his daily duties.  They one by one listed out all the activities like sleeping 7 hours, cooking 1 hour, how much time a person should spend with his children, spouse etc.  Accordingly if we add up their suggestions, a person needs 43 hours to complete all the listed daily activities. A day consists of only 24 hours, and it's impossible for a person to complete tasks that require a total of 43 hours. Effective time management can help you achieve your goals and make the most of your day. Remember that effective time management is a skill that takes time to develop and refine. Experiment with different strategies to find what works best for you and your unique circumstances. Children of God must learn to spend time in the right way.  Many a time people may steal our precious time.  We must have a detailed planning to use our time.  So w

One step at a time

  A special species of deer in Africa called African Impala can jump unto a height of 10 feet and to a length of 30 feet.   When these deer are inside a zoo enclosed by a wall of only 3 feet height we may think that they can escape easily.   But they will never do that because these deer will not jump if they don’t know the spot where they are going to land. The behavior described about African Impalas and their jumping abilities is often used as a metaphor for the psychological concept of "learned helplessness." While the specific details you've provided might be simplified or exaggerated, the core idea is still relevant. African Impalas are known for their remarkable jumping abilities, being able to jump to impressive heights and distances. However, when placed in an enclosure with a wall that's only 3 feet high, they apparently don't attempt to escape. The reason often given for this behavior is that the impalas won't jump if they cannot see where they

Do not be like the horse or like the mule

Why do horses and donkeys and other animals find it difficult to obey their masters? Because, they have no understanding.  Animals like horses and donkeys may sometimes appear to have difficulty obeying their human handlers because they operate based on instinct and natural behaviors, rather than having a deep understanding of human commands and intentions. Animals have their own priorities and motivations, which may not always align with human goals. For instance, a horse might be more interested in grazing than in following a rider's commands. Just like humans, animals have individual personalities and temperaments. Some may be more cooperative and eager to please, while others may be more stubborn or independent. Despite these challenges, animals like horses and donkeys can be trained and taught to follow commands through patient and humane training methods. Positive reinforcement, consistency, and understanding their natural behaviors and needs are key to successful train

Despise Not

  Here is a powerful example of how judgments based on outward appearances can lead to missed opportunities and regrets. In this case, a young university student passed away in 1884, and his grieving parents decided to approach the Chancellor of Harvard University, Charles Elliot, after the burial ceremonies. Despite not having a wealthy appearance, the parents expressed their desire to contribute to the university, mentioning their intention to build a building that would benefit many students. Chancellor Elliot, possibly influenced by the parents' appearance, misinterpreted their intentions and assumed they could not afford the cost of constructing a building. He discouraged them by suggesting that the expense would be too high for them to manage. Regrettably, the parents left without pursuing their offer any further. However, the story takes a poignant turn in the next year. The Chancellor learned that the very same parents had sponsored the construction of a massive buildin

Correcting Children’s Mistakes

  A boy used to come home very late every day.    After his parents had rebuked him he did not change his style.   One day when he came late his mother never talked to him.   When dinner time came there was only one piece of bread in his plate.   He looked at his father’s plate which was full of meat and fruit.   The boy looked at his father’s face and the father never showed him any response.   The boy felt like crying and he realized his mistake.   Then the father removed his plate from him and replaced it with the plate full of meat and fruits and kept smiling at the boy.   Eventually, the father's gesture of swapping plates, giving the boy a plate full of meat and fruits while smiling at him, shows that the purpose of the lesson was not to punish the boy indefinitely but to help him learn and grow. The father's actions display forgiveness, understanding, and a willingness to guide the boy towards a better path. When the boy grew up he realized that the love of Heavenly Fa

Children don’t need chocolates

  Few years ago one day evening while walking in Chennai streets, we (my wife & myself) came across a children’s home (orphanage). We thought of going inside. How can we meet strange children with empty hand? So we bought half a kilo of éclairs chocolates from a nearby shop and went inside. While walking in, we heard a gentle voice, “where are you going”? Looking around we saw a lady through a window. We went near and told her that we would like to meet those little children inside. What is in your hands? She asked. Chocolates. The lady told us, we have plenty of food here. Every now and then we receive calls from leading bakeries and chocolate companies to supply us. Normally we say no to such call. Thanks for coming here with a good intention, but our children don’t need chocolates. We were puzzled and blinking. Then came her words, they need your love, physical touch, smile and laughter, your presence. She requested us to spend at least one hour with them. With doubts and not

Worse the situation, stronger must be our love for each other.

  An 80 years old man went to a hospital at 8:30 am. From the time he came, he was so nervous. He told the nurse that he has a work at 9:00, so he has to leave as soon as possible. The nurse told that it would take an hour to remove the stiches from his finger and she asked him to wait. But that old man kept starring the clock. The nurse removed the stiches and started the dressing.  The nurse asked him that where he wanted to go at 9:00. The old man replied that his wife was sick for several years and she was admitted in the nearby nursing home.  The nurse asked him if his wife will be worried because of his delay. The old man replied that, she had lost her memory, so she won’t be able to recognize him. He also said she couldn’t talk to him for 5 years. The nurse exclaimed that, then why are you visiting your wife every day. The old man replied her with a smile on his face, yes she could not recognize me, but I know her very well. Worse the situation, stronger must be our love for eac

Remote to tuning of your thought

  A man’s father died at the age of 51 and his grandfather died at the age of 46.   So he always carried the fear of death in his mind.   Even a small sickness will bring him the fear of death.   When he crossed 46, he was relieved a little bit but immediately he thought he may die at the age of 51.   Then 51 also passed by, then 60, 70, 80 passed by and he lived upto 93.   He spent the whole of his life span in fear of death but he never died and he never lived also because of this fear. It is a poignant reminder of how fear can shape our lives and prevent us from fully experiencing the joy and blessings that life has to offer. This story highlights the importance of cultivating healthy thoughts and beliefs to lead a more fulfilling and positive life. Fear of death is a common and natural human emotion, but dwelling on it excessively can rob us of the present moment and prevent us from enjoying life's precious moments. Instead of living in constant fear, it's essential to

This is not enough

I am going to an airport, I have reservation tickets with me, the plane is also ready on the run way and I am sure that plane will take me to my destination. Three times announcements came for the departure of the plane.   If I did not go inside the plane after few minutes the doors will be closed and the plane will start moving.   Though I believed in the plane and got my tickets booked, still I could not reach my destination because I did not board the plane. The analogy of the airport and the plane serves as a powerful reminder that belief and intention alone are not enough to achieve our goals or reach our desired destination. It highlights the importance of taking action and seizing opportunities when they present themselves. In life, we may have dreams, goals, and aspirations that we believe in wholeheartedly, just like having a reservation and tickets for a flight. However, if we do not take the necessary steps to move forward and take action, those dreams may remain unfulfi

Litmus Test

When an aeroplane is flying the pilots will ask questions among themselves which is called Litmus Test.   When a problem comes while flying they must ask if the plane is still flying.   If the answer is yes then it means big danger is not there.   So they don’t have to show so much of interest on that problem. When Apollo 12 was going to the moon, it was struck by the lightning.   Red orange lights started burning.   So the astronauts wanted to do something immediately.   They asked among themselves if it was travelling in the right path.   The answer came in the affirmative for their questions.   After sometime the lights went off one by one and the rocket was moving in the right path. It's true that in various high-pressure situations, whether it's flying an airplane or conducting a space mission like Apollo 12, the concept of the "Litmus Test" or asking critical questions can be crucial. These questions help the pilots or astronauts assess the severity of the p

Love one another

  In our society meetings and Fellowships, we talk so much about purity in doctrine and fervency in activities. But where is love? We have become a Community without communion. We have sound doctrine and busy in social works too but love is missing. We have everything but love! The fundamental essence of love might be overlooked or neglected. The very purpose of our assembling should be “to stir up love and good works”. We are to forgive, forbear, exhort, encourage, edify, accept, appreciate and pray for one another. The pattern for our love is Christ Himself. “As I have loved you, you also love one another”. To love one another is God’s message to us “from the beginning”. Love is a central value in many belief systems and moral teachings, and it should ideally permeate all aspects of human interaction and community life. Love is what fosters genuine communion among people, creating a sense of belonging, understanding, and support for one another. When love is absent or not g

He may not be satisfied

One day a man went to the barber shop for shaving.   When the barber was doing his job the man told him our relation with God must be very good.   The barber replied I am maintaining a good relation with God as far as possible.   After the shaving the man got up and another customer sat in the same seat.   The man asked the barber if he can do shaving for his new customer.   The barber was shaken and he replied in a terrible voice no, no you cannot do it.   The man told again that he will try to do it nicely as far as possible.   The barber replied no it will not satisfy the customer.   The man told the barber, you also told me that as far as possible you are maintaining a good relation with God.   God may not like your relation with him that he may not be satisfied.   Jesus gave His life for you.   We must also give Him what is most precious to us. The love that is prevailing in this world is full of hypocrisy.   Let us all decide to love Jesus whole heartedly with all our mind

Robin Bird

  Do you know that birds also have friends just like us?   If a robin bird has got some problem all other robin birds will come forward to help.   If a robin mother bird dies all other robin birds will feed their young ones.   We must learn from these birds to help one another and to love one another. Yes, it is absolutely right! Many animals, including birds, display social behaviors that indicate they form bonds and friendships within their own species. Observations and studies have shown that some bird species exhibit behaviors that could be interpreted as acts of kindness, cooperation, and support for one another. These behaviors are often seen among members of the same species, and they can include helping with nesting, raising young, defending against predators, and sharing food. Birds are known for their complex social structures and communication methods, which allow them to form strong connections within their communities. For instance: Cooperative Nesting: Some bird speci

Safe guard your heart

  How does a worm go inside an apple?   We may think that a worm must have pierced inside from outside of the fruit.   But in reality the worms are formed inside of an apple.   Some worms lay their eggs in apple flowers.   That particular flower when it becomes a fruit they will hatch and become worms.   Then the worms will start eating the apple and in the due process it may come out also. The process described is known as "oviposition," where certain types of insects or worms lay their eggs inside the apple flowers. When the flowers develop into fruits, the eggs hatch, and the larvae (worms) start developing and feeding on the fruit from the inside. This is a common phenomenon in certain species of fruit flies and moths, such as the codling moth (Cydia pomonella), which is notorious for infesting apples. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how this process occurs: Oviposition: Female insects, like the codling moth, lay their eggs on or inside apple blossoms.


  In North European countries there is a special species, scratch animal which are white in color. They live in snowy places and their skin is full of white hairs. The special quality of this animal is that they will never allow any dirt on their body. If at all any dirt fall on their body the first thing they will do is to remove the dirt. These animals are indeed hunted for their fur, which is highly valued in the fur trade industry. The hunters used to hunt these animals for their skin. They will never keep a trap. All that they do is to put some dirt near the entrance of the hole where they live in. When the animals see the hunters and their dogs they will run towards their hole to escape. On seeing the dirt they won’t go inside the hole and they will be in total confusion. During this time the hunters will catch them. When there is an option between life and cleanliness they will choose cleanliness. What about you? In choice between good and bad, between sin and holiness, betw