He may not be satisfied

One day a man went to the barber shop for shaving.  When the barber was doing his job the man told him our relation with God must be very good.  The barber replied I am maintaining a good relation with God as far as possible.  After the shaving the man got up and another customer sat in the same seat. 

The man asked the barber if he can do shaving for his new customer.  The barber was shaken and he replied in a terrible voice no, no you cannot do it.  The man told again that he will try to do it nicely as far as possible.  The barber replied no it will not satisfy the customer.

 The man told the barber, you also told me that as far as possible you are maintaining a good relation with God.  God may not like your relation with him that he may not be satisfied.  Jesus gave His life for you.  We must also give Him what is most precious to us.

The love that is prevailing in this world is full of hypocrisy.  Let us all decide to love Jesus whole heartedly with all our mind and soul.


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