
 Elizabeth Barrett Browning was a famous poet, who lived at the time of Queen Victoria. She was the eldest daughter of the 12 children in her family. She started writing poems right from the age of 6. She married Robert browning whom her father disliked very much. So her father started hating her and refused to even look at her or forgive her.

Elizabeth kept on writing to her father, expressing her love for her father and expecting him to reconcile. But Elizabeth’s father did not even open her letters to read. He returned all her letters back to her without reading. In case if he had read those letters full of love, he would have started loving his daughter. Alas he did not read any of her letters and so could not reconcile with her or understand her love for him.

So also God has given us a book full of letters filled with love for us. God is revealed in the Bible if we read it we will understand God’s desires and His love and plan for us. Only if you read it you can understand his love for us and reconcile with Him and our loving relation with God will be strengthened.


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