Regular interaction and communication


One day a Father called his son, gave some money and told him that this is your pocket money for one year.  Next year I will give you the same day the next year’s pocket money.  After receiving the money for the next one year the boy never cared to talk or spend time with his dad.  After few months the father realized his mistake.  From the next year onwards he started giving weekly pocket money, every week.

It seems like the father initially made the mistake of giving his son a lump sum of pocket money for the entire year, which resulted in the son not needing to interact with his father for an extended period of time. This might have caused a disharmony between them. Realizing his mistake, the father changed his approach and started giving his son weekly pocket money instead.

By giving weekly pocket money, the father likely intended to foster a more regular and consistent connection with his son. This change in approach could help rebuild their relationship by encouraging regular interaction and communication between them. It shows that the father recognized the importance of maintaining a closer bond with his child.

Our Heavenly Father will also apply this kind of logic in our life. One step at a time, guidance to a particular range only.  We also pray, give us today our daily bread.



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