Resilience and Ingenuity


Once Scotland was surrounded by its enemies they seized the whole border and did not allow any body inside.  This continued for many days.  The enemies thought the people of Scotland will die of hunger.  They sent messages to the people that all their borders are sealed and you people are going to die of hunger so surrender to us so that you can live. 

As a reply to the enemy’s message they tied a newly caught fish and allow it to hang outside the wall.   On seeing the fish the enemy felt ashamed.  There are tunnels in Scotland which can take people safer to the beach on the other side.  So they were able to move freely and catch fish.

The story mentioned appears to be a historical or fictional account of a clever strategy employed by the people of Scotland during a time of conflict with their enemies. While I can't verify the accuracy of this specific narrative, it does highlight the resilience and ingenuity that people have shown throughout history when facing challenging circumstances.

Tunnels and secret passageways have been used in various places and times as a means of escape or as a way to access resources during sieges or blockades. Such tactics were often used to outsmart enemies and ensure the survival of a population under siege.

In any case, the story emphasizes the determination of the Scottish people to find a solution to their dire situation. It also illustrates how unexpected methods and creative thinking can sometimes be more effective than direct confrontation in overcoming difficulties. Whether this particular story is historically accurate or not, it serves as a reminder of the strength and resourcefulness that people can exhibit when faced with adversity.

Devil also thinks that we will surrender to him if all our blessings are stopped.  When the devil tries to subdue us using sin and curse, our loving Heavenly Father has got a plan to fill us with blessings and take us to heaven.  Dear children of God do not be disappointed in any kind of situation.  Our loving God has a wonderful plan in our life to fill us with all kind of blessings.


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