

The palace “AGA KHAN PALACE” was built by Sultan Mohammad Shah Aga Khan III.  Generally people build palaces for them to live, or to make their name well known or even in memory of their loved ones.  But the reason why this palace was built was very amazing.  There was a big famine in India during 1890s.  There were lot of poor people in and around Pune who lost their livelihood and did not have food to eat.  Just for the sake of giving employment to these poor people for their livelihood, Aga Khan III decided to build this palace.  This is what we call “thoughtfulness”.  When we look into the real needs of others and offer to help is what we call thoughtfulness.

Absolutely, the Aga Khan Palace's history is indeed quite remarkable and showcases the thoughtfulness and compassion of Aga Khan III. The palace's construction during a time of famine to provide employment and livelihood for the needy is a wonderful example of social responsibility and empathy. It's a reminder that philanthropy and meaningful contributions can extend beyond personal gain or fame, and can serve the larger community in profound ways. Such acts of thoughtfulness have the potential to leave a lasting impact and create a positive legacy.

Let each of us look out not only for their own interests, but also for the interests of others.  A man’s real asset is not his bank balance or a brain full of knowledge, but it is a heart full of love, eyes that see the needs of others, ears that listen to other’s sorrows, and hands always willing to help.

Let us be thoughtful today.



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