Reconciliation made easy

 God takes a serious view of damaged relationships. We earn His displeasure when we fail to reconcile with one another. As long as the sailing is smooth, we tend to be too independent. But when we run aground, we crave for the fellowship of God’s. Times of testing and the hour of trial teach us the importance and preciousness of the help and company of brothers and sisters and friends. A brother is born for adversity.

The horizontal component of holiness is peace with men. We will miss God’s grace if we don’t root out from our hearts whatever bitterness we have against others. We have heard what happened to the cows which were grazing together but were scattered by the evil advice of a jackal.

How much Jesus longed for the company of His disciples at the garden of Gethsemane!

Trials and difficulties soften our hearts, thus making reconciliation easy.


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