Experience - Wrong decisions =Right decisions


A bank manger got retired and a new manager was appointed in his place. The new manager asked the retiring person about the secret of his success. The retired officer replied that his success story can be compiled in two words, right decisions. Again the new manager asked him then how we will know if our decisions are right or wrong. The one word answer for your question is experience replied the retired officer. The manager asked him again how to get good experience. The retired manager replied in two words, wrong decisions.

In this world many people make many wrong decisions. Out of this experience only they learn good lessons and thereby rectify the losses.

If you want your life to be victorious, there is no hard and fast rule that you have to learn only from your mistakes, rather if we have the habit of reading the word of God and meditating upon it, your mistakes can be rectified and naturally victory will come to you.




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